[custom_1] Approx. 8 - 10 oz. | 1 Fillet per Pkg. [/custom_1] [custom_2] [/custom_2] [cus_description_1] Raised in their natural environment of the Atlantic Ocean, and family farmed, our Premium Farmed...
[custom_1] Approx. 0.5 lb. | 1 Fillet per Pkg. [/custom_1] [custom_2] *Estimated price. Final price will be calculated upon fulfillment based on the exact weight of this item. [/custom_2] [cus_description_1]...
[custom_1] Approx. 7 - 8 oz. | 1 Fillet per Pkg. [/custom_1] [custom_2] [/custom_2] [cus_description_1] At our farms, a complete traceability system is in place to ensure that our Premium...